This rare five-hour long seminar is the one Michael, Alisha and the participants say was perhaps the very highest of ninety Awake To Love events! Held in an idyllic location in Santa Barbara, this was a gathering of spiritual devotees who had been in devout study for four or five decades. In this sacred seminar, we discuss many fascinating esoteric subjects including:

  • The higher realms of Spirit above Soul,
  • How to connect to the greatest Spiritual Presence we can
  • The nature of the cosmic Christ and how to connect to It
  • How to live in Grace instead of law, what manifest reality predated the human and angelic levels
  • And much more!

The greatest value is in the experience of what is presented, which is entirely available in the viewing, well beyond the words. All Love to you 

At Awake to Love Michael Hayes and Alisha Das believe that when people are connected to their Spiritual nature and working in partnership with a Higher Power, then incredible and often miraculous transformation is possible.  With over 55 combined years of professional counselling the Awake to Love online courses offer enlightening information on a wide range of topics, particularly how to access the archangelic realms, consciousness clearing and intuition and inner knowing.


Hear what our course participants have to say!

“My awareness of Spirit and the higher realms is expanded. I am experiencing an openness and attunement which is allowing me to see, hear and receive more fully. I had a very palpable experience of being with each Great Archangel." - Linda Whitaker

"Questions I have been asking for decades were clarified for me. My experience that day was multi-layered and dimensional.  I sensed different energies/presences settle into the room. Some 'felt' like a huge wave; others like a fountain and still others like soft feathers drifting down. Like a soaring bird, I could 'dip' into sensations, yet was mostly like ripples on a vast body of water. What a joy and serenity to be with you both.  Thank you, Alisha for being such a clear angelic/devic communicator.  I felt/feel a relaxation inside in being around you." - Candace, Exploring the Higher Realms of Spirit

“As the Holy Spirit moved in I could feel it physically.’Michael and Alisha your clarity, loving, and ability to be totally present in the moment with each person was amazing.  Just being in a shared Light consciousness for so many hours was  pure bliss. Best of all was when I “got” on a deep level what experiencing the fullness of Spirit is.  Thank you for sharing so many beautiful insights and especially so much loving with us.” – CJJ

“The energy is potent and engaging. Both Michael’s and Alisha’s sharings are very valuable. I leave feeling like I just completed an Insight training. I am filled with awe of the vastness of Spirit. Michael was loving, clear, informative and open to be a clear channel for Sprit. His wife was delightful, loving, a beautiful child of God and I felt uplifted just listening to her. I cannot express enough how incredibly blessed in every way I felt for the opportunity to be part of this sharing.” – Elizabeth McGlynn

“Truly amazing: I loved the time with Alisha and Michael and the beautiful way they flow and work together. I am so overjoyed with the clarity, loving and wisdom in which they both share. I am still high from this event!” – AR

“I cleared many issues from my life by just being in this crystalline clear energy of Spirit and by other’s sharings with Michael. It is beyond description. There is no better way to spend one’s time or afternoon than by attending this program.” – Jennifer Halet

“It is like bringing God into the world in many forms and many ways over and over again throughout the whole day. Helping to see God’s perfection in everyone and everything.” – Lawrence Caminite

“I experienced Michael and Alisha’s clarity and mastery in a moving and beautiful way. Magical.” – RP

“The experience for me was one of ‘all my prayers being answered.’ That’s how I felt. I felt like God had come down and was literally throwing loads and loads of grace at anyone who asked for it.” – Anonymous

“Life changing, transformational, so enlightening and uplifting. I am so extremely grateful!” – NN

Explore Higher Realms!

Experience what many consider to be Michael and Alisha's highest vibration course ever!