You Are a Conduit of God
Allow yourself to dwell within the Divine Unknowing and bringing forward messages from Spirit.
When you speak (from your mind) about Spirit
you transmit information.
When you speak from your heart,
you move others but they don’t necessarily
travel into their Souls and beyond.
When you Speak from Spirit,
you irradiate a divine experience.
The words manifest the unmanifest
upon a carrier wave of loving.
Listeners experience what’s spoken
rather than what’s spoken about.
To speak from Spirit you must drop your very identity, surrender into the divine unknowing into undifferentiated consciousness and let love speak.
Then the message and the messenger are one.
- Discern the difference between speaking about Spirit or from Spirit through an esoteric ‘rap’
- Clear fears, limiting beliefs, even karmas that have prevented you from allowing the greatest spiritual presence to work through you through a process with a classmate
- Explore more about how Spirit uniquely moves through you and how you may Attune to and receive spiritual presence and guidance in a greater way through guided meditations and a solo process
- Allow yourself to dwell within the Divine Unknowing and bringing forward messages from Spirit
- Experience speaking out loud from a rarified place of pure Truth with the witness and support of a loving tribe in a way that you can take out into the world
Alisha’s conviction that every one of us can speak from Spirit-and how she called us forward into our greatness inspired me and gave me courage. Her curriculum and processes were excellent. She worked with us to clear karma that had been getting in the way of our speaking from the Beloved. I was amazed by what came out of my mouth! It was a practice in high attunement and mastery. It powerfully built my confidence in sharing my gifts in groups. I’m so looking forward to the next class! ~ Wendy Stretton, Spiritual Counselor, Mother
John-Roger has said that all disease comes from either ‘a blockage of energy or not an efficient utilization of energy’ so besides liberating blocks to speaking from Spirit, one has to entertain that the healing from the class will have a profound effect on our expansion, inner knowing, confidence, and wellness! Alisha shared how to drop the lower levels of consciousness and embrace the true self of divine wisdom, encouraged us through exercises to access our true self and then expertly facilitated several class participants into releasing deep seated blocks pertinent to accessing inner infinite wisdom and then speaking it into the room for others’ benefit as well as their own. No mean feat! ~Dr. Mark Holmes, OMD, Lac, Author,
Learn from Alisha how to let go of fear and resistance to become a Conduit of God
Learn About Alisha's Work and Story of Spiritual Healing
Hear what Alisha's course participants have to say!
“I was lifted into a joyful state that far surpassed anything I’ve experienced in this life. I have a greater sense of purpose and a profoundly loving acceptance of WHO I TRULY AM! I am overjoyed at this sacred offering. Thank you profusely for your divine inspiration, profound wisdom, and sweetness. It has been very impactful for me to bear witness to and partake of your exquisite beauty, poetic expression, deep compassion and divine knowing/unknowing! Thank you so very much for sharing yourself so graciously, steadfastly and magnificently, on so many levels!" - Kay Turbak
"I walked into the series miserable due to the burden of unreleased karmas and I am leaving light, uplifted and joyous in my day to day life! I came to the classes to gain more awareness of Spirit, and I received that in spades. Now I easily and consciously move into Spirit/Divine Unknowing and reside within the Loving when I choose. I was aided in releasing bottom-line karmas that kept me from further spiritual knowing. Now I walk with Jesus, J-R, and the Archangels daily." - S.J.S.
“Each event opens me to a finer attunement to Spirit. A broader awakening through the group consciousness that Spirit sets up is profoundly illuminating.” - Robert Zack
"Alisha has a unique ability to convey Spirit’s messages in a clear and uplifting manner that gives us a tangible experience of our Christed nature. Doing so is a source of Divine guidance, deep comfort and joy!“ - Dr. Mark Holmes
"Alisha’s meditations are beyond the Beyond and are helping to transport me into God Consciousness to such a degree that ten minutes after the first meditation, my life had changed." - Wendy Stretton, Life Coach
"OMG! Every one of the classes has been amazing and transformative. I am observing how easy it is to move through my day with the least amount of stress and anxiety (this is huge for me.) I am experiencing Spirit all the time, now!" - Judea Jenkins
"This class provided me with the support to know my Self in a new way, and to expand, in every sense, my vocabulary of the Divine." - Johanna Jenkins, MFT, USM Faculty
“There are so many tidbits I learn at every class that I practice in my daily life in relationship to myself, others and living in the loving and joyful expression of Spirit." - M.M.